God equips all of us with gifts, talents, and the desire to serve. All members of Creedmoor UMC are in ministry with each other. Whatever your gift or desire to serve, there is an opportunity for you here at Creedmoor UMC. Serving alongside your fellow church members is a great way to form relationships and deepen friendships with others. If you are interested in getting more involved in service or leadership at Creedmoor UMC, please email pastor Jared using the form provided or call the church office at (919)528-3987.
Acolytes – An acolyte is a child or youth in 4th-8th grade who helps the Pastor during the worship service.
An acolyte lights and extinguishes altar candles, helps with baptisms, communion, and the offering.
Children’s Ministry Team – Come be a part of our Children’s Wednesday night activities.
Communion Servers – Assist Pastors with serving communion elements during designated worship services.
Connection Cafe - Host the event in the Fellowship Hall. Make coffee, hot water, bring something to eat and clean up. Be creative!
Lay Readers – Lay Readers participate in the worship service by reading the assigned scripture passage(s).
Music Servants – Adult, Youth, and Children Choirs.
Multi-Media Sunday Team – Run Worship Slides for Traditional and Horizons Worship Services.
Ushers – Ushers welcome folks to worship, assist in providing seating and collection of offering.