Creedmoor Community Blood Drive
Held at Creedmoor United Methodist Church every other month.
Please schedule an appointment online at and enter sponsor code: Creedmoor or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Click here to schedule your appointment today!
Held at Creedmoor United Methodist Church every other month.
Please schedule an appointment online at and enter sponsor code: Creedmoor or call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Click here to schedule your appointment today!
AA Meetings
The AA group meets every Thursday, from 7-9pm at the Old Fellowship Hall. Contact Anne Morton if you or someone you know would like to attend: 919-618-4834
Boy Scouts
Venture Crew: Meets every third Monday of the Month, from 7-9pm
Contact Ryan Covington: 919-270-1966
Boy Scouts: Meets 4th Monday of each month, from 6:30-8pm
Contact Henry or Pam Isley: 919-528-0761
Cub Master: Chris Paine
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts Troup 0168: Meets once on the second Tuesday of the month, from 6-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Contact Jenny Sipe:
Girl Scouts Troup 0168: Meets once on the second Tuesday of the month, from 6-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Contact Jenny Sipe: